Sunday, January 24, 2010


This evening I had the chance to get together with a group of friends and neighbors for the annual "Gift Swap." We discussed how long the swap has been going on and figure that it has been at least 15 years. Many of us are the original owners, living here for 18-19 years. Usually the event is held the Friday after New Year's, but this year it was delayed - which seemed to work out better,, especially for me. It was great fun to sit, talk, and share with women I don't have occasion to see often.
As is often true with women, a major topic of conversation was our children - where they are, what are they doing, how are they. I heard about children starting preschool to children graduating college, first jobs, semesters abroad, and girl scout cookie sales. The ages of our children range from 3 to 25 or so. So far, I think we have been blessed. Our children are relatively healthy and well. And yes, there have been detours and challenges for many. I wish all my friends a healthy, happy 2010!

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