Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Dan and "The Girls"

As someone who grew up with dogs most, if not all, of my childhood and adolescence, I never gave dogs much of a second thought. I love dogs and think they are the ultimate human companion. I am limited in which breeds I can own because of my allergies, but I truly love all dogs.
I also love that my husband who did not grow up with dogs is such a loving dog owner.
Our first dog, Bo, a "fat" Yorkie was our first "baby." We had a lot of fun with Bo, but unfortunately not for a long time. Bo got out on the day we moved into our first house and ran. Yes, he was a runner. He ran a mile or two to River Road where unfortunately my husband saw him get hit by a van. With a broken back, there was only one, sad outcome.
Our next dog was a brief blip on our life. Picked up for the "wrong side of town" this dog, Pepper was not destined to stay long. After he snapped at our then toddling son, it was "So long, Pepper."
Dog number three was a winner - and for 17 long years. Possibly a poodle, possibly a mix, Barkley was purchased from a pet store when our older son was two. Barkley was an awesome dog who lived a long and I believe happy life.
Today, we are the people of our two "girls." With just sons, Addie and Ahna our our girls. Dan adores them and takes better care of them than you can imagine. I am sure there will be many posts this year of "the girls."

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