Today started out as a whiny day. I didn't want to get up so early, I didn't want to go to work, I didn't want... After all, it was a Monday, a very, very cold Monday, and I hadn't been able to sleep the previous night. I was all set for it to be a no good, very bad, horrible, rotten day (with apologies to Judith Viorst.)
Instead, it wasn't really that bad. I got up on time. Yes, it was cold, but it IS January in the Northeast. The kids were good and we got a lot accomplished. I suddenly wasn't feeling so bad at all. I came home convinced that I should go right to bed - after all, I was exhausted! Somehow, actually to prevent murder (another story for another day), I discovered enough energy to go to the gym and walk the track for an hour while listening to podcasts. I learned about Tetrawatts and how much electricity it takes to power the internet - they have no real idea.
Finally, I came home, ready now to relax and perchance, to sleep. Except, DS#1 was feeling awful. You know the drill, headache, sore throat, stabbing pain when he coughs. Although he is 24, mommy-mode kicked in and I was back out to the local pharmacy for various and sundry elixirs.
Now, 16 hours after my first morning whine, I realize it was a good day. And you know what? Tomorrow is another day.
It is nice to see that there are others who have their cups half full. There are too many people who have lost their cups all together!